Hiking Guide Services in South Tyrol

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Mountain and ski guide

  • Guiding people on mountain tours over rock and ice or in any case in the mountains
  • Guiding people on ski tours or ski excursions
  • Specialised instruction in mountaineering and ski touring


Hiking guides

  • Plan and lead hikes on paths and trails
  • Provide interesting facts about the landscape, history, flora and fauna
  • Take the planning and organisational work off your hands


Alpine School

  • The union of 9 alpine schools
  • Expertise in mountain, flora and fauna
  • Training for increased safety, enjoyment, and know-how in climbing, mountaineering, hiking, ice climbing, skiing, and snowshoeing...

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Hiking in South Tyrol

Something for everyone

Hiking in South Tyrol, exploring its hundreds of kilometres of paths and trails, is a very special way to discover this unique land. And a particularly sustainable one at that, in both senses of the word.  

The South Tyrolean hiking guides, who have a wide range of offers in the local mountain world (and beyond) in their programme, offer themselves as professional, fully trained and thoroughly enjoyable guides. 

We provide an overview. 


On foot through South Tyrol

A myriad of paths and trails run through South Tyrol - and thus through the most beautiful mountains in the world. The certified hiking guides will organise your hike, whether you are travelling alone or in a group. They will organise it according to your fitness and interests and accompany you with valuable tips and insights into this not only beautiful, but also quite peculiar country. 


Switch off and enjoy

Switch off, disconnect, take your mind off things: A trekking tour with South Tyrol's hiking guides not only takes you into the unique mountain world of this country (or another part of the world), but also far away from everyday life. Several days on the road, with only the bare essentials in your rucksack, in the middle of a new, fascinating world and yet in the best of hands: That's what trekking with a South Tyrolean hiking guide is all about. 

Flora & Fauna

A deep insight into nature

Which bird is that whistling? What is the name of the plant with the deep blue flowers? And what's the best way to get a marmot in front of the lens? Anyone who wanders through South Tyrol's nature with open eyes will soon have collected a whole catalogue of questions. The hiking guides, who also have themed hikes on flora and fauna in their programme, will help you gain a really deep insight into South Tyrol's nature. 

Tours & excursions

Highlights with insiders

South Tyrol's scenic and cultural highlights are best experienced in the company of a certified hiking guide. After all, they are insiders, know their way around and provide a deep insight into the history and stories behind the destinations of visits and excursions. And the planning and organisation is also in the best hands.