Job description for mountain guides South Tyrol

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Mountain and ski guide

  • Guiding people on mountain tours over rock and ice or in any case in the mountains
  • Guiding people on ski tours or ski excursions
  • Specialised instruction in mountaineering and ski touring


Hiking guides

  • Plan and lead hikes on paths and trails
  • Provide interesting facts about the landscape, history, flora and fauna
  • Take the planning and organisational work off your hands


Alpine School

  • The union of 9 alpine schools
  • Expertise in mountain, flora and fauna
  • Training for increased safety, enjoyment, and know-how in climbing, mountaineering, hiking, ice climbing, skiing, and snowshoeing...

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The professional on the mountain

What is a mountain guide?

The question of what a mountain guide is can be answered in many different ways. The driest definition is provided by the law, the South Tyrolean mountain and ski guide regulations. It defines a mountain guide as "someone who professionally carries out the following activities:  

  1. guiding people on mountain tours over rock and ice or in any case in the mountains,  
  2. guiding people on ski tours or ski excursions,  
  3. specialised instruction in mountaineering and ski touring". 

Professional, master, teacher

This definition is not easy to interpret, but it does give us a few points of reference that can be used to define the figure of the mountain guide. The first is that although a mountain guide, like so many others, is passionate about the mountains, this passion is also their profession. This means that mountain guides are professionals on the mountain. 

The second clue is that it is about guiding people up the mountains and in the mountains. The mountain guide therefore always has guests on the rope with whom he shares intense experiences, often resulting in lifelong friendships. The mountain guide shares something else with his guests: a passion for the mountains, although he has - if you'll excuse our frankness - a head start on them in terms of his knowledge of mountaineering and his alpine skills and abilities. In other words, he must be way ahead of them in this respect. This is due to the comprehensive, lengthy and demanding training that mountain guides have to undergo before they are even allowed to take guests on the rope. Mountain guides are therefore masters on the mountain. 

The law provides us with a third clue for the definition of a mountain guide: he shares his knowledge of mountaineering and skiing in the terrain with his guests. So, you learn something from the mountain guide that will help you on your next tour and enhance the mountain experience. A tour with a mountain guide is also enriching in this respect. 

Mountain guides are therefore professionals, masters and teachers on the mountain, professional companions in a rope team who explore, discover, experience and marvel at the magnificent world of the mountains together. 

Working together

As the profession of mountain guide has become increasingly complex since the late 1970s, many South Tyrolean mountain guides have joined together to form Alpine Schools. They not only make it easier for mountain guides to organise their profession, but also for guests to keep track of the diverse programmes that the schools put on:  from climbing, glacier and ski touring courses to exciting offers for children and young people to expedition trips to all (mountainous) corners of the world, organised down to the last detail. 

Even in these corners of the world, South Tyrolean mountain guides can be recognised at first glance, not only by their experienced, elegant and professional behaviour on the wall, but also by the badge that South Tyrolean mountain guides wear on their sleeves. Or rather: on the two badges: 

  • The logo of the South Tyrolean mountain and ski guides is in blue and white. The Three Peaks are emblazoned in the centre, framed by the words "Berg- und Skiführer - Guida Alpina Sciatore", interrupted only by a stylised pair of skis. 
  • The logo of the International Federation of Mountain Guide Associations (IVBV) identifies the South Tyrolean mountain guides as globally recognised guides. This logo is also blue and white and has a stylised mountain standing on the globe in the centre.