Mountain & Ski Guide Services in South Tyrol

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Mountain and ski guide

  • Guiding people on mountain tours over rock and ice or in any case in the mountains
  • Guiding people on ski tours or ski excursions
  • Specialised instruction in mountaineering and ski touring


Hiking guides

  • Plan and lead hikes on paths and trails
  • Provide interesting facts about the landscape, history, flora and fauna
  • Take the planning and organisational work off your hands


Alpine School

  • The union of 9 alpine schools
  • Expertise in mountain, flora and fauna
  • Training for increased safety, enjoyment, and know-how in climbing, mountaineering, hiking, ice climbing, skiing, and snowshoeing...

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Unlimited mountain adventure

At home in the wilderness

The natural habitat of the mountain guide is the wilderness, a mountain world through which there are no paths and where people do not tread on each other's toes. This wilderness is, let's not hide the fact, increasingly in danger, due to building development and the ongoing transformation of the mountain world into an adventure playground in many places. But where the wilderness is still just that - wild - it holds the imponderables that make mountain adventures what they are in the first place. After all, a mountain cannot be planned, but can only be tackled with knowledge, the necessary technique and a great deal of humility. 

Here we show you just how wide the spectrum of mountain adventures is that you can experience in the company of a South Tyrolean mountain guide. 

Hiking & Trekking

Only where you have been on foot... really were.

This is a piece of wisdom that also and above all applies to your hiking and trekking adventure with South Tyrolean mountain guides. By the way, it doesn't matter whether you want to hike the Dolomites, circumnavigate King Ortler or discover the eight-thousand metres high landscape of Nepal. 

High tours

Into thin air

The higher you go, the more important it is to have a level-headed professional to guide the rope team safely through, not only the beauty, but also through the pitfalls of glaciers, combined terrain and ice. Unfortunately, these pitfalls are increasing with climate change, which is permanently changing the world of glaciers and ice, and also presenting mountain guides with completely new challenges. South Tyrol's mountain guides meet these challenges with knowledge, skill, experience, care and caution, not only on alpine tours in the Ortler region and in the Western Alps, but also on tours to ice giants all over the world. 

ski tours

A dream in powder form

In winter, the descent from the mountain turns into a really exhilarating descent - and sometimes into a dream in powder form. All in white. South Tyrol's mountain and ski guides don't have "ski" in their name for nothing, but are also highly trained for ski tours: from assessing the risk of avalanches to setting up the ascent track to the most beautiful descents. 

Via ferratas

Wilderness light

Some of the most beautiful via ferratas in the world lead through South Tyrol's rock walls. With a mountain guide, not only is the choice easy, but you can also rely on his tips and tricks along the way, concentrate fully on the beauty of the mountains, and tackle the challenges that await you on the via ferrata. 

Sport climbing

Climbing the walls

If you are not interested in the summit, its height, name or reputation, but in testing your own climbing limits, South Tyrol's mountain guides will accompany you to well-secured climbing areas and on multi-pitch tours. The mountains in the region offer countless opportunities, but the mountain guides also take sport climbers to Greece or Morocco, the south of France or Sardinia. 

And because sport climbing doesn't just have the sport in its name, mountain guides are involved as trainers for climbing teams, teach in climbing gyms, introduce schoolchildren to climbing and can also be found with their guests in climbing gardens, where technique and fitness are trained. 

Alpine climbing

On the trail of alpine history

Alpine climbing is one of the disciplines with the longest tradition, especially in South Tyrol's mountains. But anyone who deduces from this that it has gathered dust over the years is very much mistaken. Alpine climbing is still a centrepiece of mountain sports and can be enjoyed to the full, with a mountain guide in the rope team. The height of perfection! 


Water climbing

Over millions of years, raging streams have carved deep furrows in South Tyrol's mountains. Experiencing these with their pools and waterfalls, slides and rock walls is one of the great adventures you can experience during a South Tyrolean summer. Especially if you are travelling with a mountain guide who knows all the pitfalls and everything that's fun in the canyon. 

Travelling & Expeditions

Global mountain adventures

South Tyrol's mountains may be the most beautiful in the world, but that doesn't mean they are the only beautiful ones. Therefore, the South Tyrolean mountain guides and alpine schools organise trips and expeditions to other mountains of the world. And the best thing is that you don't have to compromise on your mountain skills - the mountain guides are always there to help with their knowledge and expertise. 

Courses & training

Learn, learn, learn

For the mountains to be fun, you have to be able to find your way in and around them. The South Tyrolean mountain guides and alpine schools therefore offer a comprehensive programme of courses and training: from courses for climbing beginners to ski touring camps and glacier courses, which focus on securing in ice and crevasse rescue. Something for everyone. 

Working on a suspended rope

Professionals for difficult terrain

The skills and abilities of mountain guides are not only in demand for leisure activities. The rope is also used in the world of work, for example when it comes to securing slopes or carrying out work on high buildings. Many South Tyrolean mountain guides have therefore undergone additional training to carry out work on suspended ropes, and so are professionals in this field also. 

Construction and renovation of via ferratas

Infrastructure of extremes

Via ferratas are one of the most popular ways to discover South Tyrol's mountains and nobody knows them better than the mountain guides. They not only have the necessary expertise to tackle the "vie ferrate", but also to build them.   To ensure that the via ferrata infrastructure is not only safe, but also remains safe, the South Tyrolean mountain guides take care of its maintenance too.